Welcome to Kemnal Technology College
Starting At Kemnal
New Year 7s 2024-25
We are proud to offer a carefully considered transition to our Year 7 students. Alongside the rich and varied curriculum which aims to inspire and build strong foundations, we also provide a nurturing social environment to grow our young people.
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A reminder that the Year 11 January Mocks are starting next week and the timetable can be found below or on our website here: All students must be in school on time (before/by 8:40 am at the latest) in their full school uniform, with all the necessary equipment needed - pen, pencil, ruler, calculator etc. #y11mocks #januarymocks
Kemnal Technology College
A reminder to please complete the form using the link if you are consenting OR declining the Y9 DTP/MEN Vaccinations, which are arranged for Thursday 23rd January. The e-consent form link closes next Monday 20th January. A copy of the letter which includes the e-consent form link can be found here: #vaccinations #year9
Kemnal Technology College
When your child is absent from school through sickness or for any other reason please ensure that the school is contacted and made aware of the reason for their absence. There are several ways in which the school can be informed and contacted. #attendancematters #everydaycounts
Kemnal Technology College
A letter has been emailed to all Y9 parents regarding the Y9 DTP/MEN Vaccinations, arranged for Thursday 23rd January. The e-consent form link closes next Monday 20th January. A copy of the letter which includes the e-consent form link can be found here: #vaccinations #year9
Kemnal Technology College
The Year 11 January Mocks timetable for 2025, starting from Monday 20th January, can be found on our website here: All students must be in school on time (before/by 8:40 am at the latest) in their full school uniform, with all the necessary equipment needed - pen, pencil, ruler, calculator etc. #y11mocks #januarymocks
Kemnal Technology College
Bromley Y want to know how best they can support you with your own emotional well-being and that of your children and young people. Please take a couple of minutes to complete their quick and anonymous survey. To complete via link: If you complete the survey by the end of 31st Jan, you will be entered into a prize draw for a £30 Amazon voucher. #buildingstrength #bromleyy #anonymoussurvey
Kemnal Technology College
A good education is vital for children and young people and regular attendance at school is a key factor in opening up more opportunities in adult life. If your child develops a habit of regular school attendance, they'll have a positive attitude at school and beyond. #attendancematters #everydaycounts #absencesaddup
Kemnal Technology College
As we head to the end of term, BBC Bitesize and BBC Teach have some winter resources to bring some festive fun into secondary schools. Why not our AI Or Real Christmas Quiz! on BBC Bitesize? Play along in Kahoot with your class and presenter Joe Tasker. You can even join on camera on our multi-screen background and wave along! If your students are studying A Christmas Carol then we've got musical summaries which look at the themes and characters of the Charles Dickens novel. Our Bitesize A Christmas Carol podcast is also available on BBC Sounds and explores plot, themes and characters. Perfect for students to listen to at home or on the go. Mock exams are approaching for many. If your students are struggling to know where to start when revising, then BBC Bitesize has ALL the revision resources they need.
Kemnal Technology College
Our curriculum is centred around the ethos of growing hearts & inspiring minds.
We are a community of learners who share the mindset of determination and ambition. Curriculum is the DNA of the college and our mission is to inspire and grow our young Kemnal Hearts and Minds.