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Safeguarding Team
At our school, we have a dedicated safeguarding email address, if you need to contact a DSL urgently:
Our Safeguarding Team:
The school safeguarding officers are:
Emma Wride - Head of School & Designated Safeguarding Lead Officer
Kim Brenson - Safeguarding Officer & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead OfficerLinda Cappa - Safeguarding Co-Ordinator
If you have any concerns about the safety of a student at the college, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you or a child is in immediate danger, phone the Police on 999.
Report a Bullying Concern
If you have a bullying concern please report it and a member of the pastoral team will contact you.
Report a Safeguarding Concern
If you have a safeguarding concern please report it and a member of the safeguarding team will contact you.
If you need urgent support or you are at risk contact 999. Please note we allow two working days for responses to emails or telephone calls. Please read more at the bottom of the page.
As a College, we are dedicated to keeping our students safe and well. The college offers many opportunities for students to learn about healthy and safe life choices and works hard to provide a caring and supportive environment. We recognise that some students may need more support than others and have a strong pastoral system to ensure that students feel nurtured and listened to.
Students are at risk as young people from a range of potentially harmful situations. Our staff are trained regularly about how to recognise any signs of risk of harm and student safety in our weekly meeting agenda. Staff in the Learning Support department are always available during the school day to receive any concerns about students.
If you have any concerns about the safety of a student at the college, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please see our safeguarding policies, links for which are provided on this page below.
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024
KTC The Prevent Duty Risk Assessment
Please contact the College should you require a paper copy of any document.
School Support
Safer Schools App - keeping the school community will be kept well informed of the fast-paced changes of the digital sphere.
Operation Encompass - their aim to enable staff in every school to understand how to support children who are experiencing domestic abuse.
Support for Pupils
NSPCC: www.nspcc.org.uk
ChildLine: www.childline.org.uk
Bromley Y: www.bromley-y.org
Papyrus: www.papyrus-uk.org
Young Minds: www.youngminds.org.uk
The Mix: www.themix.org.uk
MiLife: www.milife.org.uk
Big White Wall: www.bigwhitewall.com
More can be found under Links and Further Support
Teaching staff, in particular, do not have access to emails whilst teaching, and we are privileged that so many of our staff run activities for our students both at lunchtime and after school. Hence, it is important to allow all staff sufficient time to read and respond to emails.
In common with other publicly-funded organisations, such as the NHS and Police, Kemnal expects that all members of its community are treated with courtesy and respect. The school has a zero-tolerance approach to any individual who behaves aggressively towards members of staff or students, or who uses vulgar or inappropriate language.
In situations where such behaviours or language are exhibited – whether in person or via telephonic or electronic media – the school or its representative will terminate the conversation/meeting and, if appropriate, will ask the individual concerned to leave the school site until such time as s/he is able to conduct her/himself appropriately. Should any individual not accede to such a request, other authorities, including but not limited to the Police, may be contacted.
Parents/carers wishing to meet with a member of staff should telephone the school office to arrange a meeting. At least 48 hours notice is required. Parents/carers should not expect a member of staff to be able to see them if they arrive in reception and ask to see a member of staff immediately. In such instances, parents/carers will be politely reminded of the need to make an appointment and will be given the relevant staff email address to allow them to do so.